Hangin With Holly and Egg Babies
Hey Guys!
Well first I am going to tell you all about my egg baby! In my health class we got an hard boiled egg that we had to carry around all day. To lunch, recess, to any other classes. It was a pain. You did get a grade on this project. Well, for lunch I didnt know what to do with my egg baby, Cracky Smacky Jr. so I put him in my lunch box with my friend's Natalie's egg, Stanley. Well, halfway through I took them out and Natalie's was cracked...and I mean REALLY cracked. So she started yelling at me and finally I said will you chill if I drop mine and yes, to get her to calm down I dropped mine. One of my friends died laughing as he picked it up. It was smashed to pieces. However, I had dropped it twice before then. So then later that day my teacher knocked it off my desk....so then it was pretty much dead......great huh! Here are some pictures of poor, Cracky Smacky Jr.

Cracky Smacky Jr. all cracked :(
The bottom of my precious egg!
Cracky in his crib!
Closed up in his room for the night
All bandaged up!
Any way moving on.....last night I hung out with Holly and we had a pretty CRAZY time! We colored, looked through magazines, listiened to music, ate popcorn and had a dangerous marker fight....but it all good....Any way here are some pictures of me and Holly just chillin out!