I did a text above that will always be up there....however, I heart ached so bad for this family I had to do a post for them. I dont know how many of you all have been to jodiegirl.blogspot.com but her little boy, Tyler, has been diagnosed with lukemia. I feel for them....I really do. My parents are always telling me that they wouldnt know what to do if something were to happen to me or lilly....I know everything is going to get better though....I just know! So my prayers are with you Tyler! Get better soon!
Always have faith,

OH MY GOODNESS!! My prayers go out for that family i am goig to her blog right now........ That is so great for you to do a post for them!!!
I definitely going to check that blog out. Thank you for making us aware.
i am still praying i hope he gets better!
oh I will say a prayer for them.
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