Last Day of School
The Last Day of School Ruby and Felicia
Natalie and Danielle
Ashley and Hannah
Kristen and Hannah-Kate Lilly (my sister) was balling. She didn't want to leave her favorite teacher in the "whole wide world." Ms. Mandy was an awesome teacher Lilly said. My mom promised her that Lilly that she could come over for dinner one night! Lilly even made me, my mom, Holly(we picked her up early), and Ms. Mandy cry!

The last day of school was rough. I was so ready to get out but then again, I would hate to leave all my friends. I would miss them so much over the summer. One more year and then High School. Scary thought. These are some pictures of my official last day of being a 7th grader.
Yeah the last day of school was emotional for me to since it was my last at MGCS :( Mrs. Mandy was really sweet so I can see why Lilly would be balling. High schools next for me. HOW SCARY!!!!
It looks like you had an awesome last day of school! You will love being an 8th grader.. top of the middle school! I'm going into highschool this year... that is too wierd to think about! Love all the pictures, and glad you are still blogging!
8th grade here we come baby!!!!
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