Hey Guys. I have some news to share with you. I went to the orthodontist the other day and I have to get a tooth pulled. I am very nervous! I have never had one pulled. You may think I am a whimp and yes I am but thats besides the point. So after I have that done. On July 11th, to add more to my stress, I am getting braces! To make it even more miserable, they dont think I can where the colored brackets which has pushed me too far! I am going to get colors if I want! UHH! Yuck. Oh well. Lol. I put the sunflower on here becuase it makes me happy! However once I get my braces, I dont think I will be smiling like Mr. Smily over there. How bout you?

About the pictures I will get to them soon. Lilly has another swim meet tonight! Wish her luck! Ill take pictures there!
HEy! Yuck...braces do not sound like fun! Thanks for the comment on my blog!!
I had braces for several years -- it's worth it in the long run. You will be cute! Don't be afraid to smile big.
P.S. You are SUCH a sweet girl. I loved the comment you left on my blog today -- my mom told me the same thing this morning. Thank you.
Hey Gracie! Know the feeling!! lol! i just got two teeth pulled for the first time and im getting braces soon! Thanks for the prayers! My sister is supposed to be in Canada tomorrow! Its a 30 hour bus ride just to get there. So total, she will spend 60 hours on the bus in the next two weeks!! Crazy i kno! I miss her so much!! and its only been 2 days! lol! well neways thanks for the prayers! luv, kenzie kaye <3
Good luck with those braces. They really arn't that bad though. Can't wait to see your next post!
You will do fine with your braces and look lovely. I hope you can get the colored bands. My kids like those.
I have braces and they are honestly not that bad at all. I must say though it takes some time to get used to!!!! Everything will go fine!
Gracie, thanks for stopping by my blog today.
Regarding braces, be glad you are getting them now, when most of your peer group is getting them too. I didn't get mine until I was in my 40's. I only had to have them for a year, but still, I was middle-aged!!!! I was REALLY self conscious at first. By the time a few months passed, it was no big deal.
Remember to wear your retainer when you get the braces off, or you will risk needing braces again when you are an adult. As you hit your 40s, your teeth move. If you don't wear the retainer, all the work the braces did will get undone. Just ask my sister, Truly Blessed, if you doubt me!
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